Services We Offer:
Education & Expertise
How do I find the right land?
How do I choose the right builder?
How do I save money with a builder?
How much will it cost to build my home?
Optional use of our on staff real estate agent for building or selling your house during or after your home is built.
What makes us different?
You can trace every dollar of your project back to the sub-contractor that did the work.
No Change Order Fees
You choose your sub-contractors. Use our subs or choose your own completely your choice.
Yes, its true unlike many other builders with our program you CAN do work on your own project at no extra charge.
My family has sat on both sides of the table both as the builder and as the client. We have lived your concerns and built a modern unique program that makes for a better building experience.

We Love What We Do!

Know Someone That Wants To Build Their Dream Home?
Refer a new client and receive a 2% referral fee at completion of build. In addition to the 2%, receive $1,000.00 cash within 24 hours of the new client signing our contract.
If you are a sub-contractor that already works with us on top of the referral fees, you are guaranteed to be our bid choice for your specific business skill.